This website was created thanks to the following resources and assistance...
Web Design and Development group (WDaDg) Thanks to a community of online web design and development pros and students. This group has communities available at Google Groups, Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter to assist you with design/development questions and issues.
Doug Peters Well yeah, me. I just wanted to link to my older portfolio that offers more information about me and what I offer. ;)
Salamander Design The official web design agency behind the design of this website, plugged because it's mine. You got me, another self-promo plug.
Domainance Domain name registrar of choice (a PayPal online shop from Symbiotic Design).
HD Web Hosting Our web hosting account source (a Symbiotic Design hostmaster solution).
Adobe Photoshop Used in creating the original vector based logo, to clean-up various photos when required, and for resizing media.
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